When you think about plumbing leaks, you may picture water gushing out of a pipe or faucet. But plumbing leaks can be far less obvious than that. In fact, you may notice the first signs of a leak long before you see any water at all. You may first detect a leak when you notice higher water bills than usual, or when you see water stains, mildew, or sagging ceilings in certain rooms. It is difficult to locate exactly where you must perform repairs. That's where professional plumbers with the right tools and skills come in. They can use a variety of methods to detect plumbing leaks in your home, from the simplest to the most advanced. Check out these signs of plumbing leaks in your home.

Increasing Water Bills

Another way to detect a plumbing leak is when you notice an increase in your water bills for no apparent reason. When water is leaking inside your home, it can cause your water bills to spike even when you haven't used any extra water. For example, a leaky faucet in your bathroom can cause your water bills to increase even when you aren't using the water. Similarly, a leaky pipe in your basement may cause your water bills to increase even when you don't use any water in that part of the house. In these cases, a plumber can often pinpoint where the leak is coming from and make the necessary repairs.

Discolored Interior Surfaces

One of the easiest ways to detect a plumbing leak is when you see stains on the ceilings, walls, or floors in your home. When water comes into contact with your ceiling, for example, it can cause the plaster to crack and sag. Similarly, water that trickles down walls can cause the paint to peel, while water that soaks into floors can cause the boards to warp or rot.

Indicators of Mold Growth

When water leaks inside your home, it can cause visible signs of mold and mildew growth. In many cases, you may notice these signs when you notice a distinct odor coming from your home. If you notice mold on the walls, ceiling, or floors, or if you see mildew growth on walls or ceilings, you may have a plumbing leak. A plumber can use a special device to check for leaks in these areas, which often reveals leaks even when you can't see them.

In the end, the best way to detect a plumbing leak is to hire a professional to check for them. A plumber can use a variety of methods to detect plumbing leaks in your home, including the use of sophisticated testing equipment. Hiring a professional can help you save money on future repairs while providing you with the peace of mind that your home's plumbing is up to snuff. If you suspect a plumbing leak in your home, don't hesitate to contact a plumber. You want to detect plumbing leaks as soon as possible since a small leak can cause major damage over time. Call a plumber today to schedule a plumbing inspection and keep your home watertight. 
